Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When You See the Little Children

When you see the little children,
Rounded bellies, calloused feet,
You can give them toys and clothing,
Offer healthy food to eat.

When you hear the little children
As they work to live each day,
You can teach them about Jesus
As you storytell and play.

When you feel the little children
As they climb upon your lap,
You can snuggle them and hug them,
Teach their little hands to clap.

When you smell the little children,
Stench of urine and disease,
You can show them how to wash,
To brush their teeth, to comb for fleas.

When you taste what little children
In Uganda do without,
You may likely lose your appetite,
Your desperate heart may shout,

For you know the little children
Live in suffering and despair.
All your senses overloaded,
All of life seems so unfair.

When at last the little children,
With their neediness unmet,
Have crushed your heart completely
So to make your pillow wet,

Then you lift the little children
Up into the Father’s care,
And you give to God each neediness
Throughout the night in prayer.

Now you love the little children
As you reach to them and play,
For the Father’s tender mercies
Bring a newness to each day,

And suddenly the hope you know
Becomes their hope indeed,
For Jesus loves His little children,
And will fill their every need.
~ae   03/09/2001

“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you shall laugh…”
Luke 6:20,21

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