Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Lion Has Roared!

Warm fuzzy socks and wintery jammies…  check.
Snuggled up in comfy chairs near the fireplace…  check.
Armed with bowls of munchies and remote control…  check.


Skipping ahead past the theme song and initial formalities (blah, blah, blah)
we launched directly into…  *dun-dun-dunnnnn*
the scary bad guy suspenseful part!

The eerie bluish glow of darkness prevailed over the innocent townsfolk;
ominous music infiltrated the very core of our imaginary souls
until we shivered deliciously under our cozy lap blankets.

Throughout the one hour and fifty-three minute action-packed blockbuster,
the ultimate weapons in the grasp of villainous hands demanded a call to action. 
There was only one man powerful enough to avenge, to conquer, to prevail…

bright lights streamed and triumphant music resounded
as the superhero appeared out of nowhere,
knocked the thugs into a lifeless heap,
stopped the contraption of destruction,
foiled the evil plot, kissed the girl and saved the universe!


Ah, such feelings of exuberance…
We both talked at once amid buoyant laughter,
recounting the “best parts” and imitating our favorite quotes.

We finally survived the emotive roller coaster ride
through fear, elation, intrigue, laughter, suspense, sadness,
confusion, victory, jubilation, satisfaction, relief…

Of course, we were on the superhero’s side all along;
after all, he represented all that is good and wholesome
and helpful for society and the universe.

Now, we can hardly wait to watch it all over again
with friends who haven’t seen it yet; it will be so fun to see them squirm.

We will try with all of our might to not reveal the “good parts”,
all the while smug in our knowledge of the triumphant ending.

O.k.  That was fun,
and (you guessed it) that was only a pretend superhero.

The next ones are real.
They were not incredibly masculine
or injected with empowering liquid from another planet,
nor were they armed with indestructible weaponry….

God gave them words to speak
…divine words…
and they obeyed.

Isaiah prophesied during the tumultuous rising of the Assyrian empire
and the waning influence of Israel.
He spoke boldly of the rescue of God’s people (Isa. 35:9; 41:14),
the rise and fall of reigning kings (41:2)
and of the redemption and deliverance of God’s people (52:7)
both for then and for eternity.

Although quite timid by nature (Jer. 1:6),
the Lord assured Jeremiah that he would be given
strength and courage (1:18; 6:27; 15:20) to make him fearless as he served God.
In anguish, he obediently spoke God’s truth.

Ezekiel faithfully imparted the truth of Jerusalem’s impending destruction  (Ezek. ch1-24)
to the Jews, urging them to live at peace with God throughout their exile,
and that God’s promise of restoration and a future was filled with hope (ch33-48).

Daniel’s visions revealed God triumphant,
the Most High God, Ruler of mankind (Dan. 5:21).
He and his close friends refused to bow before anyone but God alone.
He stood, unharmed, among hungry lions.
His friends returned, unsinged, from the fiery furnace.

Hosea declared God’s judgment on Israel through the mighty Assyria (7:11; 8:9; 10:6; 11:11).
For 38 years, Hosea relentlessly prophesied to an obstinate people.
He obediently married an adulterous wife in order to represent God’s relationship with Israel,
called to attention the failure of his people to acknowledge God in their idol worship,
and proclaimed God’s compassionate hope.

Joel identified the drought and devastating plague of locust
as an indication of the eminent and awesome day of the Lord (Joel 2:31).
Repeating his ominous message of judgment to the angry faces of rebellious people (1:2-13),
he, nevertheless, called them to repentance.

Amos vigorously relayed God’s message of justice and righteousness (Amos 5:24)
to a check-the-ritual-box-then-do-what-we-want people,
calling them to God’s grace (5:4-6:14)
and reminding them of their commitment to God’s covenant .

Obadiah proclaimed God’s wrath on Edom’s hostility (vs10) and pride (vs12),
 the deliverance of Israel and the triumph of God’s kingdom (vs17).

There are others, also, to whom God gave super strength and super courage
for the purpose of relaying the prophetic messages of
His Truth
to the enemies, to the rebellious, to the unworthy.

“A lion has roared! 
Who will not fear? 
The Lord God has spoken! 
Who can but prophesy?”
~Amos 3:8

My strength and courage are also sourced
in the same All-Knowing, Ever-Present Almighty God.

“Whoever speaks is to do so
as one who is speaking the utterances of God;
whoever serves is to do so
as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies;
so that in all things
God may be glorified through Jesus Christ,
to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever.” 
~1 Peter 4:11

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