To come before God on someone's behalf
is a multifaceted experience.
It reveals my helpless estate,
my lack of strength or ability to offer help in any other way,
and my utter dependency upon Jesus,
the source of comfort and healing.
Humility is so... humbling.
Jesus tells me to make my requests known to Him
and holds the promise of peace
that is way beyond my capability to understand (Philippians 4:6,7).
As I was praying for a friend,
the paralytic man of Mark 2:1-11 came to mind.
This man had friends who knew that
their only remaining hope was to somehow
bring their friend into the presence
of the One who could offer healing, newness, life.
But the crowds... it was so difficult.
The crowds of people,
crowds of emotion,
crowds of inadequacy,
crowds of "what ifs",
crowds of reminders of my helplessness.
The creative means; a hole in the roof.
The mode of transport; muscles, sweat and tears.
The goal; to do whatever it took to lay him at Jesus' feet.
They didn't tell Jesus what to do;
their wordless action
displayed their barebones trust in Jesus alone.
Jesus equated the power to heal
with the power to forgive sins
..."Which is easier?" (vs.9)
One reminds us of the other
and vice versa.
Yet ultimately,
it is not the healing or the forgiveness
that causes us to fall prostrate before Him in awe and wonder
and ascribe all glory and honor to Him...
…it is being in His presence
that is so unfathomable,
so amazing,
so indescribable.
As I read through the list of names of friends and relatives
to whom prayers had been requested,
and realized that each of those names
had likely extended the same request
in their fervent desire on my friend’s behalf
to their friends and church families,
I was overwhelmed with awe at the power of prayer.
So there we were,
on our knees before the Holy Creator and Sustainer of Life
... together.
To think that He hears us
and speaks comfort and guidance
and yes, even healing,
into our beings.
It was God's completely adequate gift of faith to us
that bore the stretcher
and laid my friend at the feet of our Savior
... adequate because of who He is.
Father, words cannot express our hearts
when we bring our friend to You.
We cry out for your Holy Spirit to intercede for us
with groans too deep for words (Romans 8:26,27),
knowing that You are entirely trustworthy.
Please encourage our friend, and us, as only You can.
In Jesus' precious name,
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