are infinite.”
serpent lured Eve into believing she could have it… infinite life, infinite
knowledge, infinite wisdom.
“You surely will
not die!”….
“You will be like God, knowing good and evil”…
“When the woman saw
the tree was (in her own estimation) good for food,
and that it was (from
her own perspective) a delight to the eyes,
and that the tree was
desirable to
(according to a source other than God)
make one wise...” ~Genesis 3:4-6
Tower of Babel was constructed because the people believed they could have it… infinite
power, infinite possibilities, infinite self-provision, infinite unity,
infinite independence.
“Come, let us (not
depend on God any longer, but) build for ourselves
a (self-sustaining) city,
and a tower
whose top will reach into (God’s realm) heaven,
and let us make for
ourselves a (different godless) name”…
“The Lord said, …”this is what they
began to do,
and now nothing which they purpose to do
will be impossible for
them.” ~Genesis 11:4
what’s the big deal? Why not proclaim we
are infinite?
the word infinite must be defined.
you recall your Geometry lessons, a line segment has both a beginning point and
an end point. A line having a beginning
point but without end is called a ray.
A line, in order to be infinite, must be without beginning or end.
human race inherently ate the fruit right along with Adam & Eve, assuming the fate of a line segment. The free gift of salvation through Jesus
Christ offered to lift us, geometrically speaking, into the ray category. But infinite is an apt description of God and
God alone.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning
and the end." ~Rev. 22:13
is not a surprise to God, nor is it a new idea, that we strive for
infinity. In fact, He Himself gave us
that desire.
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Also, He has put eternity into man’s heart,
yet so that he cannot find out
what God has done from the beginning to the end."
~Eccl. 3:11
purposely designed us void of infinity.
He knew that we would not desire eternity unless we lacked infinity. He knew that our relationship with Him would be magnified through dependency upon Him.
He knew that we would need direction and motivation to focus our praise and
worship on Him alone.
is infinite because He IS… and we are finite beings because He IS.
have because of who God is. He simply
IS. We are defined by Him. He defines Himself.
the same way, we love because God first loved us… and, God IS Love.
Consequently, it is irrational to endeavor to define ourselves based on ourselves…
or our aspirations of infinity.
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