Friday, October 21, 2011

An Attractive Resistance

A delightfully steamy aroma ascends
Mmmmm…  so delicious!
Hands reach cautiously
tapping ever so gently
against the sides of the cup

Hot!... too hot.

Hands jerk away
shaking off the sudden searing pain signals
A fitting reaction to
an attractive resistance

…and there it sits
Taunting enthusiastic eyes
as a foreseeing pallet awaits
longing for just a small taste
to take in the fullness of its flavor
to satisfy the longing for its encouragement
to fulfill the anticipation of enjoyment

using a folded cloth
hands determine to captivate
this alluring deliciousness

A wary mouth
hovers as closely as possible
yet remains standoffish
not daring to close the distance
until reassurance of safety
is decided

ripple across the surface
as lips gently blow
with hope of fast-forwarding
the cooling process
Just a sip…

Hot!  … too hot.

Mouth jerks away
blowing and licking off the sudden searing pain signals
A fitting reaction to
an attractive resistance

Yet inviting messages
unceasing in their tactical advances
continue to streamline aromatic appeal
accentuate hopeful potential
entreat creative methodology

…insistent that there is value
in steady pursuit
to attain the goal
to take in its warmth
to ingest its goodness
to treasure its flavor

… even at risk of being burned

And so it is
with friendship
"A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity." 
~Proverbs 17:17

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