Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hard Things

“A friend told me some hard things today. I cried, openly.  I wondered at a friend’s ability to say something hurtful without finding any joy in doing so.  In that being willing to say the hard things is an act of friendship that most friends would definitely avoid.

“Are we happy plastic people, under shiny plastic steeples, with walls around our weakness and smiles that hide our pain? What if the invitation's open to every heart that has been broken? Maybe then we'll close the curtain on our stained glass masquerade.
~Stained Glass Masquerade by Casting Crowns

“Learn this lesson: Not to trust Christ because you repent, but trust Christ to make you repent; not to come to Christ because you have a broken heart, but to come to Him that He may give you a broken heart; not to come to Him because you are fit to come, but to come to Him because you are unfit to come. Your fitness is your unfitness. Your qualification is your lack of qualification.”
~C.H. Spurgeon

Word of God Speak
I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak

I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice

…I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
“They cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and He brought them out of their distresses.
He caused the storm to be still,
so that the waves of the sea were hushed.
"Then they were glad because they were quiet,
so He guided them to their desired haven.
"Let them give thanks to the Lord
for His lovingkindness…”
~Psalm 107:28-31

1 comment:

  1. and my savior says to me, "take heart for I have overcome the world."
