Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Did They Know?

The magi travelled from afar.
Where was afar?
Perhaps it was Persia or southern Arabia;
both were east of Bethlehem,
far from the Holy Land,
far from God’s people.

The magi were intelligent men,
well respected among rulers,
sought after for their in-depth knowledge
of astronomy and natural science,
well-practiced in the mystical arts
and astrology.
The magi saw the star in the east.
Why was this star unique?

The magi were Gentiles.
Why did the magi say the star
 was His star?
How did they know it was a sign
for them to locate
the King of the Jews?
Why would they travel so far,
bring such extravagant gifts,
risk the wrath of a devious and murderous ruler
to worship Him?

How did the Magi know
about the Messiah?
How had they known what had been written
seven hundred years earlier?
How did they have access to writings
of the prophets of God
in the far east,
a land filled with idols,
pagan practices,
enemies of God.

Daniel and his friends
were captured and forced to
become fluent in the Babylonian culture,
language, literature and arts.
Daniel rubbed shoulders with astrologers,
communicated in Aramaic,
dwelt among the Gentiles,
served several eastern kings,
Daniel worshiped God alone.

Daniel requested compassion
from the God of heaven
concerning mysteries
which baffled the other wise men.
The wise men encountered
God’s wisdom.

In the very midst of the four
dominating, oppressive, godless
empires of
the Babylonians,
the Medo-Persians,
the Greeks,
and the Romans;
the still, small voice of God
entered the forbidden domain,
penetrated the fortress of fear,
and remained unmoved.

God’s wisdom
stimulated what was to become
God’s wisdom
stirred new passion in the hearts of wise men.
God’s wisdom
was an unforgettable experience
… for centuries to come.

“Who would not fear You, O King of the nations?
Indeed it is Your due! 
For among all the wise men
of the nations and in all their kingdoms,
there is none like You.” 
                           ~ Jeremiah 10:7

“After coming into the house
they saw the Child with Mary His mother;
and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him.” 
                                               ~Matthew 2:11
The Book of Daniel                    Micah 5:1-5                  Matthew 2:1-12

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